
Based in Poznań, Poland, and part of the PWN Group, SuperMemo World is an e-learning publisher with over 25 years of experience in algorithm-based services and content for language learning. It has been at the forefront of long-term human memory research and it specializes in designing vocabulary courses that optimize language acquisition and word retention.

As part of a new-type, wide-scope cooperation project with SuperMemo, K Dictionaries will apply innovative methods to automatically generate new data by merging existing lexicographic resources, producing lexical sets for 19 language cores with translation equivalents in 14-15 languages each, accumulating to 276 language pairs in total!

In the early 1990s, based on its own research, SuperMemo World was the first company ever to implement advanced spaced repetition algorithms in computer programs with the aim of supporting effective learning. The so-called SuperMemo method consists of optimizing intervals between repetitions of the knowledge acquired, thus minimizing the number of repetitions and at the same time achieving the desired level of knowledge retention in each learner’s memory. As a result, learners are provided with a tool that helps them memorize any amount of information, for example, words in a foreign language, dates, names, rules, facts or hierarchies, with the retention level close to 100%. Today, SuperMemo is still the world leader in research into human long-term memory.

Since 2017, offers an ecosystem for studying and creating courses for learning powered by the SuperMemo method. Apart from free user-generated content, the Web service and apps for iOS and Android provide over 200 high-quality premium courses to study 19 different languages, catering for users at various levels having different objectives and styles of learning. Notably, the collection features the award-winning Olive Green course that includes a full-feature interactive action film produced to teach English and the Extreme series of learner’s dictionaries for 4 languages that contain 100,000 entries altogether.

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