Chinese Simplifed language Data and Dictionaries

Dataset Components

Inflections variants icon

Inflections & Variants

words icon

Words & Expressions

translation icon


Pronunciation icon


Phonetic transcription notes tooltip

Alternative script notes tooltip

senses icon


Definitions notes tooltip
Disambiguators notes tooltip

Examples of usage icon

Examples of Usage

Full sentences notes tooltip
Short phrases notes tooltip

usage labels icon

Usage Labels

Range of application notes tooltip
Register notes tooltip
Geographical region notes tooltip
Sentiment notes tooltip

fetures icon


Spell check notes tooltip
Geo multilingual table

grammar icon


Part of speech notes tooltip
Gender notes tooltip
Number notes tooltip
Subcategorization notes tooltip
Valency notes tooltip

semantic icon

Semantic Labels

Synonyms notes tooltip
Antonyms notes tooltip
Context notes tooltip
Domains notes tooltip

Notes notes tooltip


From Chinese simplified:

Afrikaans, Albanian*, Arabic, Armenian*, Azerbaijani, Bulgarian, Catalan, Chinese Traditonal, Croatian, Czech, Danish, Dari*, Dutch, English, Estonian, Farsi, Finnish, French, Frisian, German, Greek, Hebrew, Hindi, Hungarian, Icelandic, Indonesian, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Latvian, Lithuanian, Malay, Norwegian, Pashto*, Polish, Portuguese Brazil, Portuguese Portugal, Romanian, Russian, Serbian, Slovak, Slovene, Spanish, Swedish, Thai, Turkish, Ukrainian, Urdu, Valencian*, Vietnamese, Welsh*
* not complete


To Chinese simplified:

English, French, Japanese

  Global Chinese Simplified Dictonary

A series of multi-layered lexicographic datasets for 25 languages including Chinese simplified.

Each language resource is developed from scratch, using a methodology based on corpus evidence and sharing a consistent overall framework and technical infrastructure across all languages.

The underlying monolingual layer can either be used on its own or serve as a base for adding translation equivalents in other languages and producing bilingual and multilingual versions, which can also be cross linked to the other language sets.

  • single word lemmas
  • multiword expressions
  • phonetic inscription
  • definitions
  • examples of usage
  • translation equivalents
  • synonyms
  • antonyms


Total entries







   Password English to Chinese Simplified DICTONARY

An English to Chinese simplified dictionary database including translations in nearly 50 languages.
The core was originally developed for intermediate level learners, including over 29,000 entries with 39,000 senses, 37,000 examples, and usage notes, along with translation equivalents in the other languages.

The data is complemented by human voice audio files for the headwords and the multiword expressions, including distinction between American and British English pronunciation, as well as with supplements on English language and grammar.

  • single word lemmas
  • multiword expressions
  • phonetic inscription
  • definitions
  • examples of usage
  • translation equivalents
  • synonyms
  • antonyms
  • audio

   Multigloss Chinese Simplified Dictionary

A series of innovative multlingual glossaries, based on a human-edited bilingual index of each language to English that is semi-automatically generated to translations in 45 more languages, currently available for 22 language.

  • single word lemmas
  • multiword expressions
  • part of speech
  • translation equivalents

Parallel Corpora for Chinese Language

Parallel corpora for Chinese language consist of manually curated full sentences and short phrases with translation equivalents, based on corpus evidence and frequency, originally created by our editors and translators worldwide as examples of usage for dictionary entries.

The data can be applied to boost the performance of Language Service Providers, to train Machine Learning models and enhance their Neural Machine Translation solutions.