The new KLN: Lexicalbound

Ilan Kernerman


The first four-page issue of this publication appeared in July 1994 under the title Password News as “[a] forum for discussion about the semi-bilingual dictionary”. Issue No. 2, published in January 1995, was renamed Kernerman Dictionary News and has since appeared each July, gradually expanding coverage to all dictionary-related topics and eventually also linking multiple language technology domains, while hosting an ever-growing variety of authors.

Over the years the newsletter has thus transformed from a single-focus promotion tool to giving a voice to a broad and diverse global community. Since the early 2000s, at least one thousand copies of each KDN issue were printed and freely distributed every year, as well as being accessible online, making it possibly the most widely disseminated publication on lexicography (and more) worldwide.

Change being a constant factor in life, time has come to update 🙂 The current issue, No. 28, appears for the first time digitally only, in PDF and HTML, and the new name – K Lexical News – makes explicit our interest beyond dictionaries and lexicography to everything lexical, complemented by a new look and feel.

I wish to thank the numerous colleagues and friends for their contribution in writing, consulting, reading and all other forms of support, with special thanks to the designer, Orna Cohen.

Ilan Kernerman

password news 1994
Password News No. 1. July 1994
Dictionary news 1995
Kernerman Dictionary News No. 2. January 1995

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