
Lexicala by K Dictionaries

Lexicala, by K DICTIONARIES, creates multilingual lexical data solutions for the Language Technology industry and the academia, featuring expert parallel corpora, domain classification, morphology, and other premium cross-lingual resources for Natural Language Processing (NLP) applications.


Our datasets enable infinite ways of extracting components and implementing them for machine translation, spellchecking, text annotation, speech recognition, semantic technologies, knowledge management, language learning, online dictionaries, and more.


We rely on the quality content developed for 30 years by K Dictionaries and expanded and customized by Lexicala, offering linguistic services for any language, including translation, classification, annotation, alignment, and other NLP tasks.


Our background in legacy lexicography has evolved into linked data and language data science, semantic web technologies and knowledge graphs.


We cooperate worldwide with SMEs and large corporations as well as with universities, language institutes and professional associations, and we are active in EU programs for research, innovation, science and technology.


The roots of K Dictionaries are in innovative pedagogical and multilingual lexicography.


In the 1990s, we pioneered the breakthrough of bilingual dictionaries for learners of English, initiating dozens of language versions published by leading local publishers and serving millions of students around the world.


Today, our prime publishing partner in this field is Cambridge University Press & Assessment, the global leader in English language learning, which offers a range of our titles on the world’s most popular website for English learner’s dictionaries, Cambridge Dictionary.


K Dictionaries was early in going digital, first with CD-ROM and hand-held devices, then online and in mobile apps. In 2001, our multilingual Globaldix was published by Finland’s prime digital dictionary publisher, Kielikone Oy, including English with 20 languages. Since then, we have developed numerous new combinations, assembling as many as 50 languages, making us the international leader in multilingual dictionaries.


In 2005, K Dictionaries teamed with Assimil, the premier publisher for foreign language learning in France, to offer bilingual dictionaries for speakers of French.


This has set the foundation for our massive enterprise of multi-layer lexicographic resources, for and across different languages: the Global series. Its novelty and uniqueness are in compiling a detailed, structured monolingual set for each language, mapping its major semantic, syntactic and grammar aspects, while sharing a single technical infrastructure and a common overall framework for all the languages.


Once any Global monolingual layer is ready, it can serve as a base for adding translation equivalents in another language, producing a bilingual pair.


When several bilingual versions are available, the different language translations are juxtaposed beside each, generating a multilingual lexical network. These multilingual, multi-layered networks can be linked to each other in various forms and evolve into an immense cross-lingual universe. In this way, the empowered autonomy of each language enhances its equality and interoperability with other languages.


Lexicala is the trade name of K Dictionaries, aimed to emphasize the transition of our solutions lexical data orientation for Language Technology and AI, and to distinguish them from our dictionary products and services for language learners and general users.


The leading team of K DICTIONARIES coordinates the company’s operations including research, development, marketing and collaboration with business, academic and other professional associates, as well as with numerous editors all over the world.


Picture of Ilan<br/>Kernerman



Picture of Karni<br/>Berlad Cohen

Berlad Cohen


Picture of Vova<br/>Dzhuranyuk



Picture of Anna<br/>Kernerman



Picture of Assaf<br/>Siani



Editors & Translators

Over the years, we have engaged many hundreds of lexicographers, translators, editors and other linguistic experts in numerous editorial tasks.


These professionals may work on their own or as part of a larger group on projects that last anywhere from a few weeks to several years.


The work is done from anywhere in the world, while maintaining close contact with the K DICTIONARIES team.

Lexicala Internship Program

Lexicala has been offering international internship programs since 2005 to students from all over the world. Our internships are adjusted to suit the curriculum of each institution and customized to match each student’s individual skills and personal interests. They provide invaluable hands-on experience and training in practical and theoretical aspects of lexical research, development, processing and evaluation, and the use of monolingual, bilingual, and multilingual lexical resources.


The main areas of activity include:


  • language data
  • language technology
  • lexicography
  • linguistics
  • translation
  • NLP
  • machine learning

Interns may join an on-going project or start a new one, involving the following work:


  • editorial. corpus research, lemma selection, style guides, word sense disambiguation, multiword expressions, morphology, pronunciation, editorial revision, offensive language, domain classification, translation, quality estimation, linguistic patterns, model training
  • technical. data formats (XML, RDF, JSON), apps, API
  • commercial. project planning, project management, market research, digital promotion

To determine the scope and details of each internship program, we review the related studies and training offered by the intern’s institute, consider the intern’s background, ideas and preferences, and proceed to design the most appropriate project together.


During the program, interns receive personal guidance from Lexicala team members, working side by side with professionals and developing their relevant knowledge, skills, and abilities.


Internships are usually not remunerated, yet interns may eventually be hired by us to pursue a project they have participated in.


The internship is carried out at a distance, from the intern’s institute or home, with routine communication maintained in virtual meetings and by email. In addition, we may visit the institute for face-to-face meetings and lectures.



  • BA students, MA students, and PhD candidates in linguistics, translation, lexicography, NLP, language data science, or relevant domains.
  • Capability to work individually and in a team, with a passion to learn and contribute.
  • The internship period usually ranges from three to six months, and the total number of hours may vary per institute.
  • It is recommended that the institute’s representative keeps in contact with us during the internship period.
  • We welcome speakers of any language.

In the academic year 2023-2024, the following universities have participated in our internship programs in Europe:

You can read about two recent internship programs:


(1) an innovative project conducted with three interns to fine-tune NLP models in the detection of offensive language. 

(2) an interview with an intern about her experience in a lexicographic translation project.


To apply for an internship, please email us:


  • Motivation letter
  • CV

For further details, please write us at lexicala@lexicala.com or reach out through the website’s contact page.



K DICTIONARIES operates in conjunction with a wide range of business partners as well as with universities, research institutes and prefessional associations.


Combining the expertise of each partner with ours helps to enrich our know-how and to create better products, services and solutions for the end users.


We first worked with local publishers worldwide on semi-bilingual English learner’s dictionaries in print, evolving to technology partners for electronic, multilingual and learner’s dictionaries for many more languages, then to cross-lingual lexical resources for natural language processing.


We also cooperate on academic internship programs, sponsor organizations and events, give talks and workshops, and take part in bilateral, European and global frameworks for various research, development and innovation projects.



  • language service providers
  • language learning solution providers
  • translation companies
  • natural language processing integrators
  • online dictionary websites
  • mobile application developers
  • publishers



  • research and innovation projects
  • science and technology actions
  • university lectures
  • exchange with language institutes
  • workshop organization
  • publication of scholarly papers
  • conference sponsorship
  • internship programs

Shared Initiatives 

H2020 Research & Innovation Action 731015

ELEXIS – European Lexicographic Infrastructure
17-partner consortium led by Institut “Jožef Stefan”, Ljubljana



H2020 Innovation Action 780602

LYNX – Building the Legal Knowledge Graph for Smart Compliance Services in Multilingual Europe
10-partner consortium led by Universidad Politécnica de Madrid



Austria-Israel bilateral EUREKA research & development

LDL4HELTA – Linked Data Lexicography for High-End Language Technology Applications with Semantic Web Company, Vienna
