Multilingual Data & Knowledge
Lexicala’s multilingual lexical data solutions for language service providers | Ilan Kernerman
SEMANTiCS2022 –In the Era of Knowledge Graphs | Martin Kaltenböck
LTI22 – Language Intelligence @ Work: Putting the Customer in the Centre | Philippe Wacker
SALLD-2 @ LREC 2022: Reinforcing synergies between Sentiment Analysis and Linguistic Linked Data
Introducing ODP: Naver’s Open Dictionary PRO platform | Jonghwan Kim
The 25th Anniversary of ASIALEX: Past, Present, Future | Hai Xu
ASIALEX 2023, Seoul | Kilim Nam and Yelee An
GWLN – Globalex Workshop on Lexicography and Neology | Annette Klosa-Kückelhaus and Ilan Kernerman
The Adam Kilgarriff Prize: Fourth iteration | Michael Rundell
Powering automatic translation with TAUS Data Marketplace | Milica Panić
Unlocking the secrets of language with Inter-Language Vector Space | Andrzej Zydroń
How Target Sense Verification improves domain-specific and enterprise disambiguation settings | Anna Breit and Artem Revenko
SEMANTiCS Amsterdam 2021 | Tassilo Pellegrini
NexusLinguarum: Where we are, where we go | Jorge Gracia
Workshop on Deep Learning and Neural Approaches for Linguistic Data | Radovan Garabík and Dagmar Gromann
An overview of NexusLinguarum use cases: Current status and challenges | Sara Carvalho and Ilan Kernerman
Workshop on Sentiment Analysis and Linguistic Linked Data
Language, Data and Knowledge (LDK 2021) conference | John P. McCrae and Thierry Declerck
Evoke: A Web application for thesauri and Linguistic Linked Data | Sander Stolk
GlobaLex update | Ilan Kernerman
Globalex Workshop on Lexicography and Neology, 2021. Focus on Coronavirus-related neologisms
An overview of Diccionario de anglicismos del deporte | Félix Rodríguez González and Jesús Castañón
Remembering Alain Rey | Charles Bimbenet
Tanneke Schoonheim, 1965–2020 | Frieda Steurs, Katrien Depuydt and Carole Tiberius
The new KLN: Lexicalbound | Ilan Kernerman
Tom McArthur 1938 – 2020
- The legacy of Tom McArthur | Lan Li
- What is ‘reference science’? | Tom McArthur
- Asian Lexicography: Past, Present and Prospective | Tom McArthur
NexusLinguarum: European network for web-centred linguistic data science | Jorge Gracia
Applying the OntoLex-lemon lexicography module to K Dictionaries’ multilingual data | Dorielle Lonke and Julia Bosque-Gil
English WordNet: A new open-source wordnet for English | John P. McCrae, Ewa Rudnicka and Francis Bond
ELEXIS: Technical and social infrastructure for lexicography | Anna Woldrich, Teja Goli, Iztok Kosem, Ondřej Matuška and Tanja Wissik
Internet lexicography at the Leibniz-Institute for the German Language | Stefan Engelberg, Annette Klosa-Kückelhaus and Carolin Müller-Spitzer
Understanding English Dictionaries: The first MOOC about lexicography | Michael Rundell
Lexicala API: A new era in dictionary data | Ilan Kernerman and Dorielle Lonke
K Dictionaries & Lexicala Workshops
Abstracts from the Globalex Workshop on Lexicography and Neologism
Linguistics terminology and neologisms in Swahili: Rules vs. practice | Gilles-Maurice de Schryver and Jutta De Nul
Beyond frequency: On the dictionarisation of new words in Spanish | Judit Freixa and Sergi Torner
New words for the Duden | Kathrin Kunkel-Razum
New Estonian words and senses: Detection and description | Margit Langemets, Jelena Kallas, Kaisa Norak and Indrek Hein
A system for evaluating multiple data inputs to prioritize neologisms for inclusion in dictionaries | Katherine Connor Martin
Using the hypothes.is web annotation tool for neologism collection | Erin McKean
The Korean Neologism Investigation Project: Current status and key issues | Kilim Nam, Sujin Lee and Hae-Yun Jung
New words in Japanese and the design of UniDic electronic dictionary | Teruaki Oka
Adding neologisms to the Hebrew online dictionary Rav-Milim | Noga Porath
The formation of neologisms in a lesser used language: The case of Frisian | Hindrik Sijens and Hans Van de Velde
Anglicisms and language-internal neologisms: Dealing with new words and expressions in The Danish Dictionary | Lars Trap-Jensen
Exploring criteria for the inclusion of trademarks in general language dictionaries of modern Greek | Anna Vacalopoulou
Neologisms in a Dutch online portal | Vivien Waszink
Lexicography in higher education institutions: European Master in Lexicography with an Erasmus Mundi joint degree | Stefan J. Schierholz
Dictionaries for the future – the future of dictionaries: Challenges for lexicography in a digital society | Stefan J. Schierholz
Jacek Fisiak (1936-2019) | Arleta Adamska-Salaciak
Deny Arnos Kwary. In Memoriam | Dora Amalia. Sandro Nielsen
AsiaLex 2020: Lexicography and Language Documentation | Dora Amalia and Luh Anik Mayani
META-Forum 2019
Adam Kilgarriff Prize 2019 | Michael Rundell
K Dictionaries & Lexicala News
25th jubilee issue with a focus on lexicography & computational linguistics
Adam Kilgarriff Prize, 2017 | Michael Rundell
Introducing LDL4HELTA: Linked data lexicography for high-end language technology application | Martin Kaltenböck and Ilan Kernerman
Triplifying a dictionary: Some learnings | Timea Turdean and Shrikant Joshi
TIAD shared task 2017 – Translation Inference Across Dictionaries | Noam Ordan
Towards a module for lexicography in OntoLex | Julia Bosque-Gil, Jorge Gracia and Elena Montiel-Ponsoda
OntoLex 2017 – 1st workshop on the OntoLex model | Philipp Cimiano
KD API | Morris Alper
1st Conference on Language, Data and Knowledge – Galway 2017 | John P. McCrae, Paul Buitelaar, Christian Chiarcos and Sebastian Hellmann
Global WordNet Conference – Singapore 2018 | Francis Bond
The advent of post-editing lexicography | Miloš Jakubíček
Sketch Engine and Lexonomy | Ondřej Matuška
Phonetic transcription of dotted Hebrew | Alon Itai
LOTKS 2017 – Workshop on Language, Ontology, Terminology and Knowledge Structures | Fahad Khan
The saga of Norsk Ordbok: A scholarly dictionary for the Norwegian vernacular and the Nynorsk language | Oddrun Grønvik
NORDIX bilingual dictionaries for Nordic and major European languages
The First Century of English Monolingual Lexicography. Kusujiro Miyoshi | Michael Adams
eLex 2017 – Lexicography from Scratch | Carole Tiberius
Met zoveel woorden. Gids voor trefzeker taal gebruik. Rik Schutz en Ludo Permentier | Anne Dykstra
GLOBALEX mid-2017 | Ilan Kernerman
A brief account of ASIALEX 2017 | Hai Xu
Diccionarios electrónicos: perspectivas para el siglo XXI | Beatriz Sánches Cárdenas and Amelia Sanz
The Corpus of Polish Sign Language and the Corpus-based Dictionary of Polish Sign Language | Paweł Rutkowski
Towards Globalex | Ilan Kernerman
Lexicography associations: Afrilex, Asialex, Australex, DSNA, eLex, Euralex
GLOBALEX 2016 workshop summary and next steps
XVII EURALEX International Congress & the Lexicographic Centre at Tbilisi State University | Tinatin Margalitadze
ASIALEX 2017 in Guangzhou | Hai Xu
Nineteenth-Century Lexicography Conference, 2018
Chinalex and lexicographic activity in China | Yihua Zhang
Treatment of entries with Chinese characteristics in English learner’s dictionaries: A case study of Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary 8e | Lixin Xia and Langwei Zhai
Lexicography at the Society for Danish Language and Literature | Lars Trap-Jensen
Towards Peoplex (reprint) | Ilan Kernerman
Linked data in lexicography | Julia Bosque-Gil, Jorge Gracia and Asunción Gómez-Pérez
From dictionaries to cross-lingual lexical resources | Guadalupe Aguado-de-Cea, Elena Montiel-Ponsoda, Ilan Kernerman and Noam Ordan
Adam Kilgarriff Prize | Michael Rundell
Multilingual dictionaries and the Web of Data | Jorge Gracia
Enhancing lexicography with semantic language databases | Bettina Klimek and Martin Brümmer
Reflections on the concept of a scholarly dictionary | Dirk Kinable
The historical dictionary and the digital age: Steps of a transformation process | Nathalie Mederake
Recent developments in German lexicography | Alexander Geyken
A standardized wordlist and new spellchecker of Frisian | Anne Dykstra, Pieter Duijff, Frits van der Kuip and Hindrik Sijens
The Bloomsbury Guide to Lexicography. Howard Jackson (ed.) | Orion Montoya
Oxford Guide to the practical usage of English monolingual learners’ dictionaries: Effective ways of teaching dictionary use in the English class. Shigeru Yamada | Michael Rundell
The Linguistic Linked Open Data Cloud
The European Network of e-Lexicobgraphy (ENeL) | Tanneke Schoonheim
Joint Symposia of JACET Society of English Lexicography and Kansai English Lexicography Circle | Shigeru Yamada
Multilingual Linked Open Data for Enterprises (MLODE 2014) | Sebastian Hellmann, Bettina Klimek
Claudia Xatara, Claudia Zavaglia, Rosa Maria da Silva (dirs.). Dicionário Multilíngue de Regência Verbal – Verbos preposicionados | Antonio Pamies Bertrán
KD News 2014
Reverso Context: Redefining categories for dictionaries and language tools | Théo Hoffenberg
An introduction to iFinger and Clarify Language Service | Knut Haga
ASIALEX 2015, Hong Kong | Li Lan
KD website
Dictionary n. Obsolete? | Ilan Kernerman
The future of dictionaries | Judy Pearsall
Redefining the dictionary: From print to digital | Michael Rundell
Make me a match: Putting learners in touch with dictionaries | Colin McIntosh
Free dictionary & Free lunch
Trade reference | Sander Bekkers
A sweetshop for lexicographers | Jaap Parqui
Paragon Software: Turning gigantic print reference content into light-weight apps with cutting-edge features | Alexander Zudin
A brief account of Dutch lexicography | Tanneke Schoonheim
Matthias de Vries Genootschap | Anne Dykstra
The new Lighthouse dictionary | Kaoru Akasu
Why do we need pattern dictionaries (and what is a pattern dictionary, anyway)? | Patrick Hanks and Jane Bradbury
Patrick Hanks. Lexical Analysis: Norms and Exploitations | Orion Montoya
ASIALEX 2013 in Bali | Deny A. Kwary
X International School on Lexicography – Life Beyond Dictionaries | Olga Karpova
Fortunes of National Cultures in Globalisation Context | Vera Budykina
KERNERMAN Japanese dictionaries by Seiko
Launching of LEXOCOGRAPHY. Journal of ASIALEX | Ilan Kernerman
Paul Bogaards 1940-2012 | Wolfgang Worsch 1953-2013
What’s in a name? | Ilan Kernerman
Compiling specialized dictionaries differently: A brief overview of terminological projects at the Observatoire de linguistique Sens-Texte (OLST) | Marie-Claude L’Homme
Using a specialized resource to enrich a general language dictionary | Marie-Claude Demers
Practical aspects of the description of terms: Contexts, actantial structure and lexical relationships | Geneviève Camirand
Kernerman English French Learner’s Dictionary: Adapting the translation from European French to Canadian/Québec French | Suzanne Desgroseilliers
A study of the third-generation Chinese-English dictionaries | Xia Lixin
Pedro A. Fuertes-Olivera and Henning Bergenholtz (eds.). e-Lexicography. The Internet, Digital Initiatives and Lexicography | Adam Kilgarriff
Olga Karpova. English Author Dictionaries (the XVIth – the XXIst cc.) | Kusujiro Miyoshi Olga Timofeeva and Tanja Säily (eds.)
Words in Dictionaries and History. Essays in honour of R.W. McConchie | Michael Adams
Grande Dicionário Houaiss da Língua Portuguesa | Mauro de Salles Villar
Kernerman Norske Ordbøger
Integrating phonetic transcription in a Brazilian Portuguese dictionary | Luiz Carlos Cagliari
Kernerman French-Portuguese Dictionary: Adapting the translation from European Portuguese to Brazilian Portuguese | Helena Sakano Fernandes and Claudia Xatara
Kernerman Dutch Dictionary | Truus Kruyt
Anthropological and linguistic fundamentals of lexicographic work | Miguel Eduardo Montoro
Pedro A. Fuertes-Olivera (ed.). Specialised Dictionaries for Learners | Amélie Josselin-Leray
Gilles-Maurice de Schryver (ed.). A Way with Words: Recent Advances in Lexical Theory and Analysis. A Festschrift for Patrick Hanks | Elizabeth Knowles
Henri Béjoint. The Lexicography of English. From Origins to Present | Anatoly Liberman
Invitation to ASIALEX 2011 in Kyoto | Ai Inoue
In Memorium: Shigeru Takebayashi, 1926-2011 | Hiroko Saito
KD’s BLDS: A brief introduction
BLDS | sample page
Papers on Lexicography and Dictionaries: –raphy: Asia and beyond.Perspectives in Lexicog Vincent B.Y. Ooi, Anne Pakir, Ismail S. Talib and Peter K.W. Tan (eds.) –DSNA Seminar on Learner’s Dictionaries. Ilan J. Kernerman and Paul Bogaards (eds.)
The lexicographers| Michael Manis
Lexicographical poems: An introduction | Michael Adams
B.T. Sue Atkins and Michael Rundell. The Oxford Guide to Practical Lexicography | Rick Schutz
Seminar on Learner’s Dictionaries at the DSNA XVII Meeting, Indiana University, 2009
A review of the First International Symposium on Lexicography and L2 Teaching and Learning | Zhang Yihua and Xia Lixin
Asialex 2009 | Jirapa Vitayapirak
The Center for Lexicographical Studies, GDUFS
English Dictionaries in Global and Historical Context | Janice McAlpine
Internet lexicography as a challenge: The Internet dictionary portal at the Institute for German Language | Stefan Engelberg, Annette Klosa and Caroline Müller-Spitzer
KirzeN, the international dictionary | Balázs Sipócz
TheFreeDictionary.com story | Michal Goldman
The BLDS Italian dictionary core | Palma Gallana
BLDS | sample pages
Dictionnaires Assimil Kernerman, 2009 | Arabe, Chinois, Grec, Japonais, Polonais, Portugais, Russe, Turc
Merriam Webster and the future of dictionaries | John M. Morse
Gazophylacium Anglicanum (1689), a turning point in the history of the general English dictionary | Miyoshi Kusujiro
The feeling of sakura: Are you interested in such a Japan? | Hisamatsu Ken’ichi and Hayakawa Fumitoshi
Password: a productive dictionary family | Ruth Mägi
Thierry Fontenelle (ed.). Practical Lexicography | Rik Schutz
A first look at Merriam-Webster’s Advanced Learner’s English Dictionary | John M. Morse
A new dictionary with another viewpoint | Ari Kernerman
Lexicography in Asia vol. II · Perspectives in Lexicography: Asia and Beyond | Forthcoming publication
Research and publications on dictionaries and lexicography | Ilan Kernerman
A new trend in lexicography from Japan | Shin’ichiro Ishikawa
Shin’ichiro Ishikawa, Kosei Minamide, Minoru Murata, Yukio Tono (eds.). English Lexicography in Japan | Don McCreary
The Iwasaki Linguistic Circle and dictionary analysis | Kaoru Akasu
Lexicography at the Poznań School of English | Robert Lew
Arleta Adamska Sałaciak. Meaning and the Bilingual Dictionary. The Case of English and Polish | Thierry Fontenelle
Anna Dziemianko. User-friendliness of verb syntax in pedagogical dictionaries of English | Michael Rundell
Włodzimierz Sobkowiak. Phonetics of EFL Dictionaries Definitions | Shaunie Shammass
Eight suggestions for improving learners’ dictionaries | Ari Kernerman
Lexicography in Asia, Vol. 3 | Call for Papers
Lexicography in Asia II
ISO 1951: A revised standard for lexicography | André Le Meur and Marie-Jeanne Derouin
What does it take to write a new English etymological dictionary today? | Anatoly Liberman
2es Journées allemandes des dictionnaires | In memory of Josette Rey-Debove
The foundation of AFRILEX | Mariëtta Alberts
Sixth International School in Lexicography, Ivanovo State University, 2005 | Olga Karpova
PASSWORD Semi-Bilingual English-Chinese Dictionary | Liu Jin
Number 13 · July 2005
Ya’acov Levy 1952-2004 | Dictionary pages
Menahem ben Saruq’s Mahberet: The first Hebrew-Hebrew dictionary | Aharon Maman
Review of Wörterbuch Deutsch-Hebräisch Phlilosophische, wissenschaftliche und technische Termini | Ora R. Schwarzwald
Towards Hebrew FrameNet | Miriam R.L. Petruck
Contemporary English-Russian Dictionary: A new type of dictionary in Russia | Galina Zakharova
A large-scale lexical database of Danish for language technology applications and other purposes | Anna Braasch
If dictionaries are free, who will buy them? | Adam Kilgarriff
Dictionaries and productive tasks in a foreign language | Paul Bogaards
Longman Słownik współczesny angielsko-polski polsko-angielski: The first active bilingual dictionary for Polish learners of English | Arleta Adamska-Sałaciak
Bilingual dictionaries for learners | Martyn Back
Power to the learner: An approach towards pedagogically-oriented bilingual dictionaries | Wolfgang Worsch
Congress organisation: The academic’s burden | Geoffrey Williams
The Fifteenth DSNA Biennial Meeting, Boston 2005 | David Jost
The Fourth ASIALEX International Congress, Singapore 2005 | Anne Pakir
Les Journées Allemandes des Dictionnaires, Klingenberg 2004, 2006 | Michaela Heinz
The Twelfth EURALEX International Congress, Turin 2006 | Carla Marello
K DICTIONARIES | Recent titles
Microsoft and dictionary makers: Defining partnerships | Julian Parish
Some lexicographic concepts stemming from a French training in lexicology (2-3) | Jean Pruvost
Lexiculture and the EFL dictionary | Anthony P. Cowie
Dictionnaire du français usuel : An innovative French learner’s dictionary
Some Highlights of Contemporary Hebrew Dictionaries and Lexicography
– Modern Hebrew dictionaries | Ora (Rodrigue) Schwarzwald
– Milon ha-Hoveh and Milon Sapir | Mordechay Mishor
– From Milon ha-Hoveh to Milon Sapir | Yitzhak Shlesinger
– Rav-Milim : A modern dictionary for an ancient but thriving language | Yaacov Choueka
– Milon-Kis Ariel | Maya Fruchtman
– Milon Even-Shoshan, revisited | Moshe Azar
– The Historical Dictionary of the Hebrew Language | Doron Rubinstein
– Glossary
A Glance at Porto Editora | Graciete Teixeira
Lexicography organization founded in Taiwan
Kernerman Dictionary Research Grants | K DICTIONARIES
The coming boom in English lexicography. Reconsidered (Part Two) | Charles M. Levine
English dictionary making in America today | Wendalyn Nichols
Some lexicographic concepts stemming from a French training in lexicology (1) | Jean Pruvost
The Conference on Bilingual Lexicography, Paris | Thierry Fontenelle
The Seminar on Computer-Mediated Lexicography, Castelló | Maria Carmen Campoy Cubillo
The International Schools on Lexicography, Ivanovo | Olga Karpova
The Third ASIALEX International Congress, Tokyo | Shigeru Yamada
A lifestory in dictionaries | Peter H. Collin
The Kernerman Dictionary Research Grants | Accepted Applications for 2002
Oxford Student’s Dictionary for Hebrew Speakers 3e | Raphael Gefen, Lionel Kernerman
K DICTIONARIES | Recent titles
Dictionaries, another Netscape? | Joseph J. Esposito
Release of the GlobalDix multilingual dictionary
The benefits of a product-independent lexical database with formal word features | Janekke Froon and Franciska de Jong
Benedict: an EU project for an intelligent dictionary | Mika Herpiö
English-Japanese lexicography and the Unabridged Genius | Kosei Minamide
Sexy dictionary | Ilan Kernerman
A tale of two tongues: Language and lexicography in Norway | Olaf Almenningen and Ruth Fjeld
Developing the personal dictionary | Ian Kemble
The corpus revolution in EFL dictionaries | Ramesh Krishnamurthy
Translation, the key or the equivalent? | Seppo Raudaskoski
Kernerman Dictionary Research Grants
K DICTIONARIES | Recent titles and news
The coming boom in English lexicography: Some thoughts about the World Wide Web (Part One) | Charles M. Levine
Password for Hungarians | Tamás Magay
Teaching lexicography or training lexicographers? | Michael Rundell
GlobalDix: a unique multilingual dictionary for the worldwide market | Mika Herpiö
A dictionary for a new age | Lionel Kernerman
The editorial principles underlying the PASSPORT dictionary | Raphael Gefen
The advent of the semi-bilingual dictionary | Lionel Kernerman
– Bi-directional adaptations
– British vs. local settings
– Workbooks
– Semi-trilingualism
English learner’s dictionaries in the Israel school market | Raphael Gefen
Marketing PASSWORD in Brazil | Waldir Martins Fontes News briefs
From Kernerman to Password | Ilan Kernerman