
Multilingual Data & Knowledge

GlobaLex update


The Global Alliance for Lexicography (GlobaLex) was registered as a non-profit organization, no. 8040330, in Leiden, the Netherlands in August 2020, including the following board members:

Ilan Kernerman, Asian Association for Lexicography (ASIALEX). MC Chair

Julia Miller, Australian Association for Lexicography (AUSTRALEX). MC Vice-chair

Edward Finegan, Dictionary Society of North America (DSNA).

Dion Nkomo, African Association for Lexicography (AFRILEX).

Lars Trap-Jensen, European Association for Lexicography (EURALEX).


GlobaLex is coordinated by a Management Committee (MC) consisting of representatives of the five existing continental associations for lexicography mentioned above, as well as an observer from the European Lexicographic Infrastructure (ELEXIS) H2020 project, Simon Krek, which hosts and maintains the GlobaLex website. The MC holds monthly virtual meetings, and its quarterly reports are available online.

The DSNA representative on the MC was replaced for the 2020-2021 term by Sarah Ogilvie.

In July 2021 new representatives of Australex and DSNA,
Amanda Laugesen and Orin Hargraves respectively, joined the MC along with an observer from the founding committee of the Association of Lexicography for the Americas – South, Center, Caribbean and Mexico (AmericaLex SCCM, Regiani A.S. Zacarias).

The MC appointed Lars Trap-Jensen as Chair and Dion Nkomo as Vice-chair for the July 2021 – June 2022 term.

The first major task on the agenda of the current MC is to renew the GlobaLex website.


Three Globalex-sponsored workshops planned for 2020 had to be cancelled as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic: Globalex Workshop on Linked Lexicography at LREC, Globalex Seminar on Learner’s Dictionaries at Afrilex, and Globalex Workshop on Lexicography and Neology at Euralex (GWLN-2).

GWLN-2 was eventually held in partial form online in November, including over 80 participants, and selected papers are being published as a special issue of International Journal of Lexicography (Vol. 41, Issue 3) in September 2021.

The third Globalex Workshop on Lexicography and Neology, focusing on Corona-related neologisms will be held online on August 31, 2021 in conjunction with the Australex conference (GWLN-3).

Plans for 2022 include new versions of the 2020 workshops at LREC and Afrilex, and the fourth GWLN at Euralex (in Mannheim).

In 2023 it is planned to hold GWLN-5 in conjunction with the Asialex conference in Seoul.

Ilan Kernerman

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